
CRC: Rid us of bane of closed primaries

Posted by jesse shayne on August 28, 2017 at 4:49 PM

This letter to the editor was written by Warren Clark and published by The St. Augustine Record

Because of sophisticated gerrymandering by advanced computerized technologies, primary elections are often the moment when winning candidates are selected. Primaries are increasingly the only meaningful round of voting for “We the People” of Florida.

The use of fake candidacies of write-in candidates who have no intention of actually contending by both major parties, frequently blocks majorities of Florida voters from participating.

This results in highly partisan candidates being elected who do not need to work with representatives of districts with differing views. Gridlock, born of unwillingness to compromise to reach solutions that benefit the broadest number of citizens, threatens confidence in the democratic process.

Many Floridians feel they are back in the colonial days of taxation without any representation of their views, values or priorities. If ever there was an issue the Florida Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) needed to address, this is surely top of the list. Members of the CRC: give the voters of Florida the opportunity to enact an open primaries measure in 2018.